Basic Instincts, Social Life:

Paradoxes, side by side.
Open your heart and push the limits.

It’s funny how pristinely unbooked my calendar always looks for “next month”. May looks pretty un-cluttered right now, but what do you want to bet it’ll be just as packed as March and April? All this activity does have me a little worn out, I’ve gotta say. But only my introvert instincts are suffering for it; not my art as usual, so that’s good. I’ve started on an 8-part figure study… that is, with vectors, practicing drawing people full-length, not cheating by hiding hands or feet. Figure one went great, figure two is not looking very good so far. To the point where I might scrap it and start again. Oh well. Five women and three men: Ready, steady, go! After it’s done, I’ll probably take a break from drawing people for a while.

Last Friday we had inter-generational game night at church, it had quite an okay turnout. The next day I went up north with Jared, Pat and some of the other youth leaders to do a full-day seminar on relaying the bible to teenagers. When we got back to the church, some of the guys were playing frisbee across the street so I ran over and joined in for a bit before mom came by and dropped dad off at the church.

Later that evening I saw Kim and Jen’s new place finally! I love it, they have a gnome/shark theme going and the place suits them so well. I hope I can decorate my room in a way that reflects me, too. Anyways, we watched The Apple, which blew my mind. Who has these ideas? And who do you pitch them to? “I want to make a gaudy, shiny musical about the Rapture in which the mark of the Beast is a triangular holographic sticker and Jesus is named Mr. Tubbs.” Who??

The next day I went to the Sunday service because it was Matt’s last day at Bonavista and also Leah’s baptism. I’m going to miss Matt. I like it when people say what they mean. He kind of called me out, sort of jokingly (but not really) at the youth retreat, implying that I shouldn’t need so much recognition for the things I do. I was a little hurt right at first but as I thought about it, he was so right. I needed to hear it and now I’m glad I did. Anyways, we also had a sweet card trick going at the retreat and talked about anime lots. So yeah, farewell Matt, and don’t change! Leah’s baptism was great too, I’m so glad she decided to take that step!

In closing, I have to say that our basement is awesome now, like Flames central. We have all these red lights and Flames flags up… so awesome. Although I think that means that they’re going to lose this series. Lame banner!

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1 Response

  1. André says:

    Hey, how did this entry got smuggled in? ^^

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