In Happiness, On Moving Out

Will she do it?

I’m still, as my cousin would say, omega jacked about the concept of moving out pretty soon. From what I can foresee, there are just a couple of little issues that will (admittedly) be pretty easy to work out and I don’t plan on stressing out much over them. But that doesn’t mean I won’t.

Transportation-wise, being close to Anderson is awesome. And living with people who also go to church every week is awesome because work and church are the recurring places I need to be. The other one is youth group now, so the option that doesn’t involve relying on a ride home every week (which is not what I want to do), is that I need to get a car. I have some money, but a lot of it is locked up in accounts that I can’t touch for a little while. That’s issue one, nothing that can’t be solved by saving up some money or finding a killer deal, or convincing my parents that they want a new car so that I can buy our oldest one! Haha!

I think that I’ll still see quite a bit of my family. Presumably I’ll still talk to them at church and send emails and hang out with my brother on weekends like usual. And hopefully they’ll still tell me about when they’re going out for supper on Friday nights, at least for a while. But the thought of not seeing much of Evie anymore kind of hits me in the gut. I’m going to really miss that cranky little furball! The mothering instinct is strong in me… no surprise there. When I leave, I think I’m going to have to get something to love and take care of, even if it’s just some plants. When I brought a potted plant to my office at work it just made me a lot happier. That, or maybe some fish or a snail.

The last and definitely the most negligible issue is that I just got my sweet and amazing business cards printed with my home phone number on them, which would become my parents’ home phone number once I moved out! I’m not worried, I just need to get creative with stickers.

All in all, the good outweighs the bad so much. It’s not a for sure thing yet and I shouldn’t talk like it is, but I really hope it all works out.

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