Nous Aurons Pour Nous l’Éternité

Dans le bleu de toute l’immensité.

We have arrived in Paris!!

But first, the last of Scotland. On Thursday we went to Edinburgh Castle in the morning and were going to do another castle on the Royal Mile but it was closed because royalty were there, aw man! So we went shopping instead. In the night we went onto a so cool ghost tour of a graveyard on a hill (it used to be a valley; that’s how many dead people are there)!! In the black crypt they said some people pass out instantly! Pretty intense! Actually, the government keeps it locked because poltergeist attacks on citizens were becoming a problem. Apparently.

The next day we took a train to Glasgow and realized we had made a little mistake! Since our flight was so early, we booked a hotel near to the airport so it would be easy to get there at three in the morning. Oops, we kind of didn’t know that there are two airports in the area… we ended up having to train back to the other airport, check into the hotel and take a taxi to the right airport in the morning. It was alright though. That night Alex and I watched The Weakest Link which is still running in the UK!

Anyways, we made it to Paris fine and early. We were planning on meeting up with my internet friends, one from France and one from Germany and to my extreme relief it all went off without a hitch! Met them both and it was amazing! So we went to the hotel and checked in, then we all went to Notre Dame. It was just gorgeous, the rose windows, wow!! Love Paris, love!

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