We’re Gone But We Don’t Know Where

I am bored and lethargic. I am apathetic, disengaged and passive.

No, lethargic is the very best word to describe me right now. I feel guilty about doing something entertaining because I should be working on a math project. Actually, I should have been working on it all week, but I haven’t even started. I don’t get it so I don’t want to do it. It’s due in about thirty-four hours.

Something that makes me very happy, though, is that I have two new website contracts to work on. And these ones are going to be super because this time the site owners don’t have any pre-meditated colour scheme suggestions. I get to design the whole thing and they’ll just sign off on what they like. So basically it will just be great experience. I really need to be diligent about working quickly, though. That’s my main problem, I think. Slow design. That should be the name of my company, hah.

There was no one there at church today. Of my friends, like. Well, I guess Candice and Mike. But it pretty much worked out because on these dark lethargic days, the thought of human interaction just makes me roll my eyes.

But wait, I wasn’t like this at yoga this morning. What happened in between? Ah, the cruel reality of the impending math project due date sunk in. I truly am pathetic. Well, the question of the day is what the hell did I do with my brother’s copy of Hack Liminality? Maybe he lent it to someone else.

Spring is almost here; I really do have an uncontrollable desire to make an advent calendar for capri-pants.

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