Slip and Fall

Okay, there are so many reasons why I wish I could do today over again! First, I’d get my TI83 to work, because right now, using that stupid scientific calculator from grade nine is super annoying. Arg. Stupid logs. Second, I’d have the knowledge that when adding tabs to a typesetting document, I can select the entire thing and apply to all rather than doing it one line at a time… sigh. And mostly, I would take the long way back to the train station after school instead of taking the down-hill slippery shortcut. Why, you ask? Well, my friends, while running for the train, I sure did slip and fall right on my butt in a huge patch of mud. Looking back, it was pretty funny! But it really was bad, considering I had a big, wet mud stain on the ass of my pants for my entire journey home. But it’s a good thing that queen Jen was not there! If she were, she seriously would have died of a laughing-her-ass-off-at-me heart attack.

On Dom night, Jen and I played a new card game called “spite and malice”. Jen pretty much wanted to kill me by the end of it, since I kept on messing up but won anyways. It was not a great game anyways. The rules didn’t really work. Back to gin!

I finished book four of the best series ever, so now I need to get my hands on book five before I go to Lethbridge!

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