Like the Stars That Guide You

For once, for once, my New Year’s Eve experience consisted of things that I actually wanted to do. For once, I did not have to spent six hours sitting in front of a Nintendo screen watching other people play. I did not, this year, have to withstand a sugar-high little boy running around non-stop. (Do not misinterpret; I love Dillon like a brother, but sometimes brotherly love involves wanting to throw a chair at his head.) Kim’s party was great fun.

I’ve given it a lot of thought, and my ‘New Year’s resolution’ is going to be the same as last year’s: 1152 x 864 pixels. It is by far my favourite screen size and most reputable desktop wallpapers come in those dimensions…

Ok, seriously now.

The Regular Resolutions:

I have mulled this over a lot, and have come to one conclusion: such resolutions do not work for me. One year is too long. I will ‘eat healthier’ for the first two weeks and then, slowly, the entire notion will fade away. Also, nothing is so glaringly awry in my life that I must take immediate steps to fix it. Like, I am not a smoker, an alcoholic, or addicted to anything notably harmful. Such people have their resolutions readily sitting in front of them.

I’ve decided that all I want to do is live in a way that will make my friends and mentors proud. I will be well-read. I will work towards being able to command a perfect, serene calm in the face of adversity; I worry too much. I will keep in mind the big picture. I will wait for all the information before I argue an opinion.

The Nerdy Resolutions:

I will practice and practice. Eventually, I will be able to successfully complete Drop Out on heavy mode while at the arcade. My brother and I will rip Chinook a new one. It will be glorious. (My Dance Dance Resolution. Haha, yes I’m awesome.)

I will learn the lyrics to Kioku and be able to write them out in hiragana, which means learning the romanji lyrics and then translating them into symbols. This is probably my nerdiest resolution ever, but I want to do it.

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