Rhococo Blog

Considerably Screwed

Considerably Screwed

Today I failed a French test very painfully. I’m considerably screwed in math and science as well. There was a sub today and yesterday in LA. Mr. Hussien and Miss. Whittle. In social we’re...

A Very S.A.D. Day

A Very S.A.D. Day

Yay! It was a sad, S.A.D. day today! Student Appreciation Day! The rumor has been going around forever, but today it was finally true! We stayed in the dance for awhile and then we...

Mine’s a Bozooka!

Mine’s a Bozooka!

When I was at church, Elaine gave all the kids these straw crosses. The boys were using them as guns and swords and so, I think it was Andrew who said, “Mine’s a gun...

Friday Class

Friday Class

I went to Friday class today. Lizie is cool! I got to see Veronica for the first time since the show and I got caught up on choreography. Jen showed up too. Hehehe… I...



I showed my shame today at school. I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t help it. I had to tell Mark why I was totally down. He was very supportive and understanding and it...

Not Good Enough

Not Good Enough

I’m not good enough for the world today. I suck at dancing and no one can deny it. I’ve completely let Amanda and my friends down. It’s so hard to learn all the dances...

Sun and Moon

Sun and Moon

Dean is doing incredibly well now… after the death of his mother. If I hadn’t known, I would not have guessed by his smiles. I don’t know how he’s doing it. He’s either unbelievably...

Last Day of Spring Break

Last Day of Spring Break

It’s the last day of spring break! I was in children’s worship yesterday. Only Kyle and Dena were there for the grades 4-6. Corey Olynik taught our class today. The kids seemed a lot...

Kill Blue!

Kill Blue!

Well, I’m four days into the nine-day holiday. I haven’t been writing in here ’cause I haven’t done much that’s interesting enough to write about. I started a showing community which is doing fairly...

Four Billion Carriers

Four Billion Carriers

I thought I was really screwed today when I forgot my disk at home but it turned out that we were having a games day in first period anyways. I played Starcraft with Josh,...