Social Dance
Social dance… social dance… when will I ever need to do these? Although, granted, you finally get a guy who can dance and it is rather fun. Mr. Miller said, “Alright, gentlemen, please escort...
Social dance… social dance… when will I ever need to do these? Although, granted, you finally get a guy who can dance and it is rather fun. Mr. Miller said, “Alright, gentlemen, please escort...
The Olympic hockey game last Sunday was so cool! We went to the Lowe’s house to watch it on their big TV. I was extremely happy when Team Canada won medals in both men’s...
Heavy sigh. Why’d they have to send us back from the teacher’s strike on Friday? I can’t believe it, I thought we’d get the whole of last week off for sure. Oh well. Now...
I started on my social homework, and hopefully I’ll have enough will-power to start my science tonight as well. We went for a walk at Sikome Lake today. I’m working on a Hogwarts group...
I need to get into the habit of posting here every day like I used to. Well, I’m pretty happy today. I still have homework in two subjects, and I should do it today....
What the heck!? Jamie Salé and David Pelletier so beat the Russians!! Those guys were awesome and in my opinion, they got the gold, no questions. I was so, so proud to be Canadian...
On Friday I went bowling with the Jr. High youth. It was so funny! Lisa and Kristen both threw the ball backwards. They’re hazards to bowl with, honestly! Hehe. I did alright—84 on the...
I went in on Monday to do my French spoken final, which went well—ninety-four percent. It was so funny though, because she asked, in French, ‘who is your favorite singer or music group?’ So...
So it turns out that the sore throat I’ve had recently was a colony of white, and visible I might add, bacteria. Rather disturbing. It didn’t really leave until around a week ago. The...
Last night I went to the Buzan’s traditional New Year’s party, which was so very much like last year. Dillon, who I don’t think blinked all night, was so loaded on sugar/caffeine that he...