Rhococo Blog



It was strange—today I was on the train, just like every day, and suddenly I felt overheated. My heart started to beat too quickly and my vision messed up. Next I knew, I was...

Still Summer

Still Summer

You know what? Summer is summer, even if I do have to work for most of it. I still have great times with my friends when I get together with them. And if anything,...

Not So Fast

Not So Fast

I want to say this week has gone by quickly, but that wouldn’t really be all true. The times when I haven’t been at work have gone by quickly. At work it’s the usual...

Unbelievably Cool Weekend

Unbelievably Cool Weekend

This weekend has been so awesome. Movie night on Friday was fun, although Jen couldn’t make it which was too bad. We watched the Escaflowne movie and Treasure Planet, so it was very good....

A Big Conspiracy

A Big Conspiracy

So, after my first week of work, this is what I’ve decided. This whole scholarship thing was a conspiracy to get me into a job that would make me wish I were in school;...

Pirates of the Caribbean

Pirates of the Caribbean

Back in Calgary! That was such a long plane ride!! Last night I went and saw Pirates of the Caribbean with Kim and Jen and Katie and Karen and Kristine… wow that’s a lot...

Going Home Tomorrow

Going Home Tomorrow

I’ll be going home tomorrow morning, it’s a bit of a relief! A few days ago on Monday we went on a government tour bus of the Plains of Abraham. My aunt Gina’s sister...

Hearing Latin

Hearing Latin

Today we went to the church that my dad went to when he was growing up. It’s a Catholic one so the service was a lot different that my church’s services. Plus it was...

Old Quebec

Old Quebec

This morning we went and looked around Old Quebec. I love it there so much. The architecture is so pretty. But it was so hot outside. Later we went to Martin’s house for dinner....

Quebec City

Quebec City

I’ve been here two days and already so much is journal material. (And I’m determined to leave out nothing!) I liked the plane trip. It’s so cool to be above the clouds, although I...