Rhococo Blog

Things Change

Things Change

It’s strange how things work out, you know? At grad today I was watching everyone walk across the stage smiling, and all I could think of was how badly I would have rather slept...

New Computer!

New Computer!

Alright! This is my first journal entry written on my new grad-present computer! It is super cool! (Its network name is Kipper, hehe!) Yeah, so this morning I had a jolly old time nearly...

Painted Black

Painted Black

Today… a borderline annoying day. Well, some parts more annoying than others, that’s for sure. I could tell things would not go well for me today when this morning I accidentally dropped a jar...



So lots is going on and I’ve been pretty bad about getting it all in here. Let’s see… what’s up? Well, most importantly the Flames won game three! The wonderful Kipper blocked all their...

So Sick

So Sick

Aughh… so sick. I hate this… being sick, that is. Gross cold and ear infection. I didn’t go to school today and it is Tuesday so if I have to stay home again tomorrow,...



This long weekend would be so much cooler if I weren’t stuck with a cold for it. Guhh. Anyways! Yes, like I said, things have been good for the most part. Yesterday I went...



Grad was sooo fun! Once we got there, that is. Heh. All of this week has been leading up to it, really. I haven’t had time to write much, but this is more or...

Make No Mistake

Make No Mistake

So this weekend went by quickly, unfortunately, but it was still pretty good! On Saturday I went shopping in Chinatown with Kim for Alex’s birthday present. We got some stuff but we’ll have to...

Anger as Beauty

Anger as Beauty

Things have calmed down a bit here since Monday. After talking to my friends, it seems that their mothers are also prone to the occasional spontaneous combustion; but does that make me feel better...

Mom Claws

Mom Claws

Alright, so I feel like total crap right now. I was watching 24 just after having had a shower and my mom and I decide to test out hairstyles for grad. What I had...