Up In The Air

So here’s the story—on Monday, Sandy indicated that I probably would not have enough work to do all week, so I’d might as well take Friday off. Well, after I had cried and cried, I grudgingly agreed. (Hah!) I was happy about Friday, and Monday went by pretty quickly. I went shopping with Jen for nail polish but we ended up just buying chocolate and hand lotion. We played cribbage with my brother after, and Jen won of course!

Tuesday, uh oh! They might have work for me on Friday! That was a bit mean! Actually, at this point, it doesn’t matter much to me whether I go to work on Friday or not, I just kind of want it over with. After supper I went with Cailee to Angie’s house and we watched the finale of Summerland and then got ice cream. I hadn’t seen them in a while so it was really nice.

Today… umm… cerebral cortex injury… what happened today? Oh yeah! Katie and Kim and Jen came to see me at lunch and we went to Subway! Best lunch all summer!! Kim bought an ice tea and it made a sound like a gong on the wrought iron table! Good times! We also went to an art gallery and a camera store. Awe, I’m so happy I got to see my buddies, it made me want to hurl myself out the window and kill myself so much less! Hehe! Work went by kind of quickly today, too, I guess.

I’m getting nervous about school now. I have too much thinking time at work. Aaah! Oh, and Friday is still up in the air. Sandy said something about Sara not wanting to be alone (since Sandy is taking the day off). I can totally understand that. I was alone in the office once this summer, it was bad. Thing is, I don’t make very good company considering I can never think of anything to say… like… ever. Or maybe she just doesn’t want to answer the phone all day? Possible. I hate that phone. Shuudderrrr.

So… one or two more days of work! Yay?

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