Stupid, Pointless

Why do I say stupid/pointless things all the time?? I can’t trust myself in public, I can’t trust myself to shut up, ever. I wish I could say funny things. Arg, so stupid. I hate myself and I want to die.

Well, actually, if I have to die, I may as well have done away with it before this morning, because the English exam truly was a special degree of stupid. “Discuss the significant impact of memories of the past.” I love how specific yet vague it was. I love how they specified that they intended us to comment on memories of the past, as opposed to memories of the present or future. Yeah, I have a ton of those. Screw it, at least it’s over. English has now been placed on my I don’t care anymore! list.

Another thing I love is that my social teacher chose today for us to write our social unit final, worth fifteen percent of our mark.

Okay wait, one cool thing actually did happen today. I got to the exam about forty-five minutes early because we had to get all set up on our computers, but they didn’t let us into the classrooms until about eight thirty. So until then I talked to RenĂ©e, who was also there too early, which was interesting because I’m not sure that I ever have before. We were both so nervous about the darn test that we didn’t run out of things to say (I hate when that happens). Well it doesn’t seem that shocking now that I write it down. I don’t know. I thought it was cool.

Come to think of it, I presently surprise myself looking back on that conversation. I don’t think I said something profoundly stupid. Wow.

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