More Files
Longest day of work… so long… thought it would never end…
It wasn’t too bad apart from it being so long. Angela left me a chocolate bar and a nice pile of filing! It is actually a good thing because it’s the worst to have nothing to do. So today I was going through the miscellaneous files again. Eh, it’s not so bad I guess.
One of the ladies from work has her last day tomorrow so there was a little do for her this afternoon. Olivia asked me to watch her phones which I was glad to do since she’s definitely saved my butt several times this summer. (She’s so nice and sends all the stuff Angela needs couriered because I don’t know how!) But it was daunting since I was answering phones for most of floors five and six. One guy, I swear, did not know English…
Anyways, after work I went directly to daycamp to make hot dogs and paint faces! It was very fun again! I’m going to the zoo with the kids tomorrow!