You’ve Got to Change the World

So the Flames made the play-offs and I was in full-out party mode! Or, actually, I was gearing up to full-out party mode until they lost game seven against some water fowl. I wish they could have taken it all the way, mostly because then there’s just that many more excuses to have parties every other night. As it was, I had fun, though. Ryan came over to watch some games, and one time my aunt and uncle were over to see one. One of the best ones was after church when we were having a party at my place and then in second period Alexis and I booked it over to Kim’s house to watch some of the game with Kim and Mark and Alex and then ran back to see the last bit. Good times! Then we went to Alex’s house to see what unfortunately turned out to be a crushing defeat. Well, they’ll be back next year…

Things haven’t been very busy for me lately. I’ve been doing some things after work, and they’ve all been good. Ultimate frisbee is back, which is great! It’ll be better this year because last year I was usually too tired to go. Somehow I still don’t feel as motivated to actually go, but I always have fun when I get there. I just have to force myself into that first step as usual.

I have a strange feeling of being out of the loop somehow. I get it from time to time. Don’t like it, but usually it just means I have to get out more. Speaking of, it’s one of my goals to actually spend time outside even if I’m not actually doing anything out there. I need to drastically cut down on my computer time.

Jen’s started working downtown and for last week and this week I’ve been able to get a ride to the station with her. It’s sweet to be one of the queen’s second-in-command, because no matter when we get to the station (even eight minutes late like today), there is an empty train waiting for us and we always get a seat! Score!

We went out for Chinese food on Friday with the Buzans as is rather-usual. And! I still firmly maintain that Emily’s due-in-August baby is a girl even though Christine referred to it as ‘him’ when relaying the results of the amniocentesis. It’s a girl, I know it is!

After Chinese food we went out for ice cream and I got “tiger tail” flavour because I just finished Life of Pi and I thought that was appropriate. Great book, I loved it. And I find myself thinking about it a lot even now that I’m done it. It was really thought-provoking for me. And for the record, if I were ever in that position, I’d die within the first week. If I lasted two weeks, I’d be very, very impressed with myself.

Anyways, entries to come will not be so hard, of course, because I won’t have to try and recap the last entire month. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself.

“You only think it’s a girl because you want it to be!”

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