White Disorder Everywhere Around Me

Sometimes I search for an event or something to remind me…

Well it’s been a good long while! I haven’t really had much to say and nothing’s changed… but I should say something anyways to prove I’m still out here.

Because I am… still out here…

So first I’m going to mention this one thing, because it ties into a story later, so I do realize this sounds random. A while ago I went shopping with Kristen and I got these really cool sparkly black almost-Mary-Jane shoes. Right now I mainly just wear them at work because I love them… so I leave them in my office so I can wear them every day. (When I brought them home the first time, my mom asked what I bought and I immediately answered ‘shimmering flats’ and wondered where that wording came from so instantly… then I remembered that I’m a nerd.)

Now one thing I would like to talk about is kids. I really like kids. They can be annoying sometimes (which is why some adults don’t like them), but let’s face it, many adults can be annoying too, and they should know better half the time. Anyways, I think one of the reasons I like kids is that they generally don’t bother censoring their emotions to everyone like grownups do. If a kid is bored, they’ll attempt to amuse themselves. If they’re happy, they show it, if they’re mad, they definitely show it. When they get hurt they cry and when they see something interesting they make a big deal about it. I just think it’s refreshing, because sometimes I find it tiring to be around people when I think they’re hiding their true sentiments. Every so often I wonder if a few of the people I consider friends even like me. Well, anyways, that’s really not why I brought up this topic.

Yesterday I was riding the elevator up and there was this little kid beside me, I’d peg him around five years old. So he looked at me, then looked at my feet, then turned to his mom and pulled on her sleeve and whispered (loudly) “Look at her shoes!!” just as I walked out. I’m not sure why, but for some reason that made me feel really happy. I’ve always been the type that fades into the background in most cases, fashion included. Not cool or bad enough to be noted most of the time. So to be memorable to a kid is a good feeling to me. I always am thrilled when people remember me. I think I’m easily forgettable. Maybe I should start making more daring fashion choices, but then I’m always scared that Stacy and Clinton will pop out at the next big event I attend.

Speaking of fashion, it was kind of funny… the last time I watched What Not to Wear, the tagline was something like ‘So-and-so hopes for a career in fashion design, but her friends thing her wardrobe is drab and outdated! We’re taking her to New York to bring her into this decade to stay!’

Okay… now… is it just me, or like… if you’re hoping for a career in fashion and your debut into fame is getting a make-over on What Not to Wear… you may be dreaming a little big. I mean let’s look at some parallel stories…

“Maggie aspires to a rewarding career in interior design, but she lives in a flat that looks like her great grandmother took the reigns in the remodeling… eighty years ago. Time for a total house flip!”

Or perhaps…

“Jonathan, 37, has wanted to be an architect since playing with Lego as a child, but has yet to pass grade eleven after seven tries. It’s time for some Math and Physics boot camp!!”

Or maybe even…

“Blade has always wished for a career as a foreign diplomat, but has a pesky habit of flying into a berserker rage every time he hears a techno song (Prodigy in particular) on the radio or sees the colour mauve. It is time for some serious yoga!”

Alright, that’s all I got.

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