We Meander To Our Rightful Place

And meet our challenges face to face…

Whoever discovered Canada and thought, Hey, this would be a super place to live! clearly wasn’t here on a day like today. So cold!!! I had to get on six trains today when I usually get on two, because they kept breaking!


The Pastor Candidate:

I probably should have collected my thoughts on this sooner considering most of us will be voting tomorrow (which doesn’t leave much time for discussion I guess…) but I thought I’d make a post anyway.

I went to the Q&A with Awlwyn on Sunday, and I thought it was good. I’m not always deep but I thought he had pretty satisfactory answers. And that is great, because even though we’ve been very lucky with our interims (especially, the former head of the BUWC? Score! I love Gerry.) we really, really need someone permanent. So here are some of the things about our candidate that I value a lot so far:

  • He is smart. Okay, it’s hard to read that mini bio and see that he has a PhD and a Master’s in two different subjects and not go, ‘Woah, cool.’ Then the committee noted that when following up on references, wisdom came up a lot. Knowledge and wisdom… I admire traits like that almost more than anything in a leader.
  • He didn’t have a problem with not answering a question that he didn’t have an answer for. I hate it when people just blather on under the pretense of answering a question when really, they’re not answering anything at all.
  • I like what he implied about the church not being a building. We are the church, guys. We are. I think he could lead us. I mean, I think that he’s a man of vision and that we could get everyone united under one vision.
  • He’s Irish, how cool is that? If he came, and if we had a senior associate from England, we’d be representing almost all the UK on pastoral staff, pip pip!
  • His wife seems so awesome to me. She has one of those calm spirits that I can trust easily. And you know, it truly is strange the things that endear me to people. Within ten seconds of seeing her for the first time, I knew I’d like her because when they were standing up at the front, she put her head on his shoulder for a second and smiled. That made me smile too! Okay, I’m weird, I’m weird, I know, sorry, moving on!

So, we’re called to a decision based on hearing him speak once and answer some questions. By and large, it is taking a step in faith to actually vote either way. But myself… I really hope they’re it.

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