This is What Happens To Me…

When I watch four hours of 24 in two days…

Upon missing my bus by about fifteen seconds this morning, I decided today would be the day I would find out whether or not I completely own the transit system. Turns out,

I do.

It is rather simple. In the case of missing my 7:22 westbound 29, I crossed the street and caught the 7:26 eastbound 29, rode it down for about five minutes, pleading the bus driver to let me off between marked bus stops at the intersection where I dashed momentarily into oncoming traffic to wait at the 44 bus stop. When that arrived, I got on and rode it to Canyon Meadows where, if I would have run REALLY FAST, I could have caught the 7:39 Dalhousie (as it was I took the 7:44), getting me to work three minutes earlier than my regular bus. (In reality I was two minutes late. Versus, of course, the half hour I would have been late had I just waited for the next bus.) I think that means I win at life.

Or, at least, buses.

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