They Say That Snow

  Is a message from the sky.
        I wonder what it’s trying to say…

I’m back in the game now after some down time. Tiring as those emotional dips are, I usually come out of them with a bit of inspiration; in this case, Christmas presents. And words for my book. Oh, book.

Cold as it is, I’m loving my walks to and from work (or, the train station). Walking sort of alters my state of mind. There’s nothing else to do but think. I’ve finally got one of my short stories all planned out in my head. It’s fitting that it should be this one, because that character has always been my most beloved even in concept stage. But based on how long it’s taken to get inspired for his story, my intended collection of ten stories will probably never be done.

I have, however, finally finished Nathan’s present and I think my next project will be remodeling my website, journal and twitter page so that they all match. Maybe something wintery. It’s a beautiful season if you can experience it inside, through a window.

After months of looking on enviously as Laura knits amazing things, I might start to learn soon, too, because apparently Josh’s mom would be willing to teach me. Canon Ravenclaw scarf, you are imminent.

My challenge of the month is going to be finding people who will take me to assorted stores for Christmas shopping… and having that person not be the person I’m buying for. Godspeed, self. With some luck I can be finished with stores and malls after hopefully going shopping with Lyndsay after photo club.

It’s almost time to start listening to Christmas carols all day to annoy Phil!

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1 Response

  1. Kristen says:


    Let’s sing Christmas carols non-stop around Dennis! I’m sure he’d LOVE that! Which do you think we should choose??

    Also, I think you should work on a site remodel. This one is pretty but it’s been like this a long time.

    AND I think we should get together and build gingerbread houses this weekend or soemthing!

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