I Laughed and Smiled

And didn’t say, “I am a bit afraid to be here.”

Conclusions drawn from four days in Banff babysitting for Assembly:

  1. PKs under eight are a breeze to take care of,
  2. I love Kim, Des and Alexis, and
  3. I have no idea how to relate to other girls.

No idea is probably a bit of an exaggeration. And it could just be that they’ve spent a lot more time together. But more than once I did kind of find myself at a loss for what to do or say, in a way I don’t think I would have among guys. This might be stupid to admit, but I am a little scared of girls sometimes. Scared of gossip, scared of them thinking I’m weird (in a bad way). Things roll off guys in a way they don’t for girls.

Being an introvert doesn’t help.

Anyway, all that aside, it was an awesome weekend. We had fifteen kids in all; they were energetic and crazy, but all in all, pretty well-behaved. Highlights include one of the girls losing a baby tooth while in our charge and the 3-year-old Dyer boy yelling, “Boo-ya!” every time he kicked a soccer ball. In our free time we went shopping in Banff and swimming (in my case, hopping and dog-paddling) in the hotel pool, later to be followed up by a stint in the eucalyptus steam room (so awesome).

When I got home, Jeff came over and we watched three episodes of Dexter, which is starting to grow on me. I think the writing is very clever and witty, and the concept is interesting but a bit creepy. Can sweet, nice guys really be born killers? It’s a scary thought.

The whole idea is similar to Deathnote – an “innocent” guy killing criminals who have escaped the justice system. Dexter’s just a lot more real and gory. Not necessarily a bad thing. Although, Light’s original motive is pure justice… Dexter’s is more that he has to kill something, so it might as well be the scum of the earth. I always found that thought really interesting. Would the world be safer and better if someone just murdered all the bad guys?

And also, how cool would it be to have a Shinigami around to toss apples to? I expect you wouldn’t be scared of anything once you got used to the sight of Ryuk in the dark corners of your room at night.

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