I Get The Feeling

      we’re so misdirected.
   I get the feeling we have lost control.

I got my “fall feeling” last Monday, on the 23rd, this year sort of mingled with a feeling that my life is on the brink of a change. Maybe not a big change, but we’ll see.

September is a month of change, though. People move away for school, or leave again for school, or simply start getting busy with school again even if they don’t leave. I get a year older. It’s a season of introspection. Already, some evaluation of my life has come up wanting. I feel a little bit restless in my job and in my relationship with Josh.

These last few weeks have been full but very good, getting together with some of my beautiful and wonderful friends, notably Kristen, Christine, Sammy and Katie. Also awesome was Jen and Andrew’s farewell at my place! Kim and I decorated cupcakes with frowny faces and they were perfect.

Last week I went to Bobbi’s play “Our Last White Night” and oh my gosh was it ever great. She’s amazing. And I intensely admire writers who can condense a story into under an hour and make it beautiful and potent. Much love. (Also for Paris je t’aime, which I watched again with Christine.)

A few days ago I got it in my head to have a Harry Potter dress-up party a week or so before Deathly Hallows comes out and I am omega psyched to go shopping for that. And even more psyched to make chocolate frogs and dress up like a Ravenclaw student. Why do I like it so much? Why?

In other news, learning French is going okay. It truly must be a warpath because I’ve stuck with it in a way I usually don’t. Dad and I watched Return of the King in French and because of the (French) subs and context I feel like I understood it pretty well. Definitely wish real life had subtitles. With my Quebec trip less than two weeks away now, I more or less have a “ready as I’ll ever be” feeling. Straight comprehension is my goal for that week. If I can laugh for real when everyone else laughs, good enough. But the composition of simple sentences is coming back slowly. I wonder if I’ll know when I have surpassed my just-out-of-French-30 level. In any case, I hope I can have the discipline required to stick with it after returning from the reunion. Deadlines are hugely motivating for me and I slack off without them.

That said, my goal for September is to buy a car. Finally. And to get rich on the stock market while I sleep.

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1 Response

  1. Micky says:

    Good goals, although I get the feeling one may be easier to complete than the other. Real life with subtitles would be nice.

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