All Signs Point to Awesome

Everything just keeps coming up me.

Dave and Dennis bought a house a few days ago! This is exciting on its own, but it is even more exciting because they said that if I wanted, I could rent a room and live there too. Big news! I have to admit, in my mind, I’m pretty much moved in already. They’re going to take me to see the house in about a month when they take possession of it and then I can make a decision. There would have to be some pretty huge deal-breakers for me to turn down something like this though. Like, “this would be your room, Colette, but don’t worry about the spider nest, they aren’t poisonous. We’ll put carpet in someday, but bare concrete’s not so bad, is it? The pipe dripping above your pillow is temporary too, we’re planning on putting band-aids on it until it stops!” Hah, good times.

It means that I have to step up my game and learn to cook! I made supper on Sunday night and it was pretty easy. I think what I’ll do is make my own cookbook, like, write out recipes as I learn them and have my own notations and things. Also, I can work together with Alex because she’s learning too. She made supper a few days ago too and it sounds pretty darn close to what I made, so we’re going to trade those two. It counts as two recipes! One is curry and one is spicy!

The location is also beyond great. I could walk to the train station, and to the mall! Maybe I can sleep an extra few minutes in the morning! Honestly, all signs point to awesome. These next few months are going to be very exciting.

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