Category: Grade 12

La Valse

La Valse

C’a été un temps très long puisque j’ai écrit en français ici. Je pense qu’il est bon de le pratiquer parfois. Pas beaucoup se produit de nos jours. Dans l’église aujourd’hui nous avons eu...



Finally Friday! This week felt like it lasted forever..! I went to see the Passion of the Christ last night with the youth group. It was such an amazing movie, completely not deserving of...

Grad Dress

Grad Dress

I got my grad dress last Saturday and I’m pretty excited about it! It’s dark blue, kind of has the corset-type look with the lace up back. It looks like a two-piece but it’s...

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Behold, it is Ash Wednesday! So this year lent will fit in conveniently well with my ‘drop ten pounds before Greece and Kris’s wedding’ mission. I hereby abstain from chocolate, pop and personally buying...



Here’s a basic overview of my whole day since it’s been a while since I’ve done that. Alright, my day started off just like any other day until I got to the bus stop....



Okay, either someone’s birthday is today and I can’t remember who, or today is some kind of important anniversary of something… this date seems familiar. Grade ten science teacher’s birthday? Mrs. Macdonell’s? Darn it!...

True Emotions

True Emotions

All in all, I’d say that my five-day weekend was pretty cool. The highlights undoubtedly would have to be movie night on Wednesday and grad dress shopping on Thursday. I still haven’t gotten a...

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day

Hmm. So I suppose that my final consensus on Valentine’s day is that it’s kind of a nice thought, but people would do better to be extra nice to their ‘significant others’ all year...

The Remedy

The Remedy

The problem: Since quitting dance lessons at the end of grade ten, I have gained about fifteen pounds. This is the consequence of my decision not to replace dance with another physical activity, in...

Will Be Beautiful

Will Be Beautiful

Multimedia is so pointless and aggrivating! Ohh, today I ended up with three whole layers on our current project, and omigosh we’re moving onto grey scaling tomorrow. I hate to say it, but things...