Harvest Moon
Harvest Moon. I cannot get enough of this game. I know it was going to be addicting when I bought it, considering the many, many hours I spent playing the version for the Nintendo...
Harvest Moon. I cannot get enough of this game. I know it was going to be addicting when I bought it, considering the many, many hours I spent playing the version for the Nintendo...
School seemed pretty long today but that’s okay because I don’t have to go to school tomorrow! Hopefully my mom won’t make me go to parent teacher interviews. I can’t remember whether or not...
Oww! Sore from first Yoga lesson yesterday morning! It was pretty fun at the time though. I went with Jen and Katie and we got there nearly half an hour early so we waited...
It was a great day (mostly)! After school I went with Kim and Alex to Southland Leisure Centre to play DDR and it was pretty fun… until the stupid annoying jr. high kids showed...
Today a professor, Dr. Keith Bagnall from the University of Alberta came to out school to give a presentation on biology. At first I thought it was going to be two hours of me...
So, about lent. It’s going pretty well for the most part. I still haven’t had chocolate or pop, but I’ve totally caved regarding the whole ‘not buying candy from the vending machines’ thing. It’s...
Camp was fun! It was great. On the way there I drove with Mike (the one that’s not related to me) and Lindsay (with an ‘a’). When we got there we more or less...
In a couple of hours I will be leaving for Gull Lake! I am very excited, even though it was kind of bad news that Sammy couldn’t come. But still, there are a lot...
Augh!! I’m so sick of Nick’s childish attitude!! Aughhh! So he makes this AMV and dedicates it to us, for helping him out through his tough times. He says that he’s putting it in...
I’m just going to write about random (semi-coherent) thoughts and events that happened today. Apologies to Jen for the previous entry being in French… Alright so today I was looking at a picture of...