So Gamma Gamma
(It’s kind of sad that I’m waiting this far away, but) Only a bit over a month until Christmas holidays! This morning and last night I went to the Gammagirls leader seminar—it was great....
(It’s kind of sad that I’m waiting this far away, but) Only a bit over a month until Christmas holidays! This morning and last night I went to the Gammagirls leader seminar—it was great....
Matrix Revolutions was amazing! Wow, the effects were so well done, better than Reloaded! I know not everyone is a fan of the ending, but I though it was pretty satisfying. I mean, how...
Today was so cool—I got to miss school for a leadership-run program called Challenge Day. It was pretty amazing. It cost the school a lot of money to put on but I think it...
Right, so I have a lot of things to write about. It’s time for a nice little overview. First, Angie is back! Yeah! I can’t think of anything else to say about that! But...
Oh my gosh. She’s perfect. My little cousin (for the lack of a better term) Maya, she’s so cute!!! Awrrr I want a baby tooooo! Today would have kind of sucked if I hadn’t...
I love this half of daylight savings. I woke up around ten, stared at the ceiling for a while, got up and had breakfast, chased my kitty around the back yard, came downstairs, set...
Right, so it’s Wednesday but it feels like Friday so I’m going to talk about a bunch completely random stuff! First, my friend from my summer job was hosting Much Music today! It was...
We have Thursday off! And it’s going to be spend making a fool of myself playing DDR with my friends. I can’t wait, though. I’d rather lose all dignity than sit through chemistry and...
Rather stressed. Chemistry is falling down lower and lower on the I give a crap scale… but other then chemistry, things are going really well. I am done my surrealist art project. It is...
This weekend has been so busy so far. Busy with good things though, and I loved it. Above all, there was no homework in my core subjects. If that’s not a reason for celebration...