Category: Grade 10

Man Show

Man Show

Wow. I have a high respect for Mr. Elzinga now. Today we were playing football in gym. Jacqui, Seyi and I were on a team with Mark, Tyler and Chris. Mark wasn’t so bad,...

Dream Journal

Dream Journal

Today was better. Info pro’s still pretty aggravating, since we don’t know what to print and what not to. And it’s for that reason football was nearly fun today—kicking that sucker to the other...

Clever Dan

Clever Dan

Well that day went by slowly. I had a headache for most of it, and that’s mainly why I was seething in info pro. Okay, so, Aman and I have been working on the...

Generic Day

Generic Day

Generic day times ten for me. We took a chapter test in science. I guess that’s something. Other than that, not tons happened. There was a little bird at the bus stop that couldn’t...

Just Losing It

Just Losing It

Second period gym was so funny! It’s not even something I can write down… people were just acting really dorky so it was great. Ok… this is going to sound really stupid if you...

Always The Youngest

Always The Youngest

I wish I were older. I’m always the youngest one there when we go out after church, even if I go with the other high school people. And then when we’re out with the...

Perfect Weather

Perfect Weather

Yes! Perfect weather for Eau Claire Market. I was so happy! I just love going there. Most of the cast was there, too, but Veronica had to leave after the first show and Cait...

So Beautiful

So Beautiful

If I wasn’t taking CALM, I’d have no homework this weekend. But it shouldn’t be too bad, I guess. Still, it would be better if the course was aimed more at a larger majority....

Rehearsal at Amanda’s

Rehearsal at Amanda’s

Rock on! That was pretty cool. Veronica drove us home, hehe! I never knew Amanda and Barbara had kitties. They were so cute! They had them on little harnesses! I hope Eau Claire’s not...

Eternal Torture.

Eternal Torture.

So I get to the chapel at Carewest yesterday and Laura just explodes in front of me, saying to Misha, ‘I knew she’d come! Whew, I’m not the only Birdgirl!’ It was great. And...