Category: Gemini

Sing To Me Hope

Sing To Me Hope

As she’s thrown on the sand… So, it’s pretty sad that Christmas is all over with, but at least there’s still New Year’s to look forward to. Hmm, so what all did I do?...

Still Through The Cloven Skies They Come

Still Through The Cloven Skies They Come

With peaceful wings unfurled; and still their heavenly music floats    O’er all the weary world… Christmas holidays have finally arrived for me! They were started off more or less on Thursday (even though I...

Fanatics Find Their Heaven

Fanatics Find Their Heaven

In never-ending, storming winds. I actually was planning on having a much more interesting post but the weekend really got away from me. However I am now done Christmas shopping I think! Next on...

The Internet and Me

The Internet and Me

Well, it’s come up a little these days, so today I am going to talk about interaction on the internet! It seems like a pretty good time to talk about my experiences with the...

I’m Useless, But Not For Long

I’m Useless, But Not For Long

The future is coming on, it’s coming on, it’s coming on. Maybe true freedom is to live a life without delusions. All they do is hold us back. I’ve always thought my teachers taught...

She Dreams in Digital

She Dreams in Digital

Because it’s better then nothing, now that control is gone. Someone smart once disclosed to me that video games are changing my generation’s psyche in ways we don’t even realize. Like when the young...

We Meander To Our Rightful Place

We Meander To Our Rightful Place

And meet our challenges face to face… Whoever discovered Canada and thought, Hey, this would be a super place to live! clearly wasn’t here on a day like today. So cold!!! I had to...

Our Integrity Sells For So Little

Our Integrity Sells For So Little

But it is all we really have. It is the very last inch of us. But within that inch, we are free. Today I’m going to talk about inches. And then I’m going to...

I Hope I’ll Understand Someday

I Hope I’ll Understand Someday

What’s the meaning of this crazy game? Lately I’ve been feeling kind of like I’m not really working towards anything specific in life, but if I’m honest, it’s not a new feeling for me....

Welcome to Azeroth

Welcome to Azeroth

Lots of tiny updates today… So, I started in with World of Warcraft and made a lovely Tauren hunter, Kasara. She is the coolest cow I’ve ever had. She’s only level 10 right now...