Author: Colette Rhodes



What are things coming to these days?? So we’re playing DDR at Southland—Kim, Mark and I—and while Kim and I were attempting one of the harder songs, this group of about seven jr. high...

Year End Youth

Year End Youth

Today was the last youth group event for the year, so we celebrated by going to the Loeppky’s acreage for skating and s’mores. It was fun, but my feet were cold! Eventually we were...

Stupid Bad Day

Stupid Bad Day

Aughh. Bad day. Stupid, bad day. Things were going fine, more or less, until last period. By fine, I mean that I was pretty happy considering that it was Friday, and also that it...



So tonight Mark and I went with the BBC youth group to Laser Quest—it was so fun! We played two games, with a round of DDR in between. It was Disney DDR, though, so...

So Gamma Gamma

So Gamma Gamma

(It’s kind of sad that I’m waiting this far away, but) Only a bit over a month until Christmas holidays! This morning and last night I went to the Gammagirls leader seminar—it was great....

Matrix Revolutions

Matrix Revolutions

Matrix Revolutions was amazing! Wow, the effects were so well done, better than Reloaded! I know not everyone is a fan of the ending, but I though it was pretty satisfying. I mean, how...

Challenge Day

Challenge Day

Today was so cool—I got to miss school for a leadership-run program called Challenge Day. It was pretty amazing. It cost the school a lot of money to put on but I think it...

Just a Lot

Just a Lot

Right, so I have a lot of things to write about. It’s time for a nice little overview. First, Angie is back! Yeah! I can’t think of anything else to say about that! But...



Oh my gosh. She’s perfect. My little cousin (for the lack of a better term) Maya, she’s so cute!!! Awrrr I want a baby tooooo! Today would have kind of sucked if I hadn’t...

Six Days

Six Days

I love this half of daylight savings. I woke up around ten, stared at the ceiling for a while, got up and had breakfast, chased my kitty around the back yard, came downstairs, set...