Clever Dan

Well that day went by slowly. I had a headache for most of it, and that’s mainly why I was seething in info pro. Okay, so, Aman and I have been working on the last module for the last week and from what the sub told us, we were far beyond done the work due for this Friday. Today we started on the second-from-last assignment to find that we don’t know how to do any of it. We figure that Chénier will tell us how to do it when she gets back, so, no worries. Then we find out that the tutorial and the assignments are due for Friday. ‘But how?’ asks Aman. ‘We don’t know how to do the second last project.’ Then handy-dandy-Dan comes around, ‘You might find this handy…’ and gives us the last part of the tutorial. ‘I don’t know why this sheet hasn’t been out this week.’

Yeah, well, neither do I. Because Aman, Dan, the teacher and I all thought we were done for now. All of a sudden I have to cram two assignments into two days. And this is only how screwed I am. The rest of the class is still on spreadsheets ’cause they’ve been slacking off this whole week. Which is why I have a sneaking suspicion that the deadline will probably be moved… or more than half the class will fail. Then again, what am I saying? She’d probably love that.

133,800 more seconds of school, give or take a few. Err…but who’s counting?

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