How Lucky You Are

Fri-day!! There was a unit test in social today. I’ll be overly tactful and say it was interesting. Ummm… did I fall asleep for an entire unit or did he give us the wrong test? The only reason I got any of the answers in the first half of it right was because I watched Judge Judy yesterday. Meh. Science was funny today. Gym… I finally got the bonkers teacher Mr. Elzinga. Eek! Four more weeks of gym ever: parrrrrty!

Rehearsal was great! And here’s the best part. Get this:

How Lucky You Are

(Wait three beats after first chorus)

Step tuckturn step hitchkick (back) turn
(An empty purse) back cross turn, right leg extend, turning

Chasé, pas de bourrée turn, chasé, (pose)
Chainé turn x2, (pose) left leg up

Chasé step belle x2
Step x3, left side kick
Step x3, right side kick

Chasé, pas de bourrée turn x2 (left)
Chasé, pas de bourrée turn x2 (right)
Lunge (right), recover

Point right hand front, grapevine right, left leg layout
Grapevine left, right leg layout

Step kick, hop kick x6, back chainé,
(posé) point high left, (right hand), weight on left.

That’s right: the choreography that’s been causing me to lose sleep. Lizie is awesome. Mike’s birthday party today. House overtaken by boys.

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