A Little Tact

Well, this week’s been interesting. Yesterday the weather was so nice during the day that we were all outside without jackets for gym, and then later that night it was an all out blizzard. Power failures and everything! I did my homework by candlelight! Last year this time it was summer. This year we have snow.

Nick’s been following me around a lot lately. People say they have reason to believe he likes me, and now I’m starting to believe them. Let us consult our handy-dandy checklist:

  • He goes out of his way to meet me halfway in the hall before social.
  • He seems to go out of his way to sit beside me on the bus.
  • He never used to eat lunch with us, now he does.*
  • Megan Beach thinks so. You want to argue with her? Be my guest.
  • The small talk he makes. He feels like he has to fill the silence.

* But like Mark said, that doesn’t have to mean much.

So there you have it, and here’s my struggle. A kid who, at the very least, (which is so possible; I’m not exactly a guy magnet…) is trying very, very hard to be my friend. Which would be fine if he hadn’t made Sarah’s life a living hell in the last two years of junior high. Kind of colours my vision of him. And hey, maybe he’s changed… a little. He could do with a little tact, and that’s all I’m gonna say.

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