Hockey and French

A word of advice: Don’t go to a hockey game if you’ve lost your voice. It sucks not to be able to cheer on your team. Anyway, yeah, I can’t talk at all. I even had to pay my brother to phone Janice for me, and Sarah had to call my parents from the station yesterday. On the upside, at least we won the game!

Grrrs. Toutes les personnes avec de bons journaux parlent en Français. Ainsi, j’aussi! The only problem, I haven’t been to a French class in two months, and the language is leaving me. After reading the book ‘Flowers for Algernon’, it kind of reminds me of that. It would be so creepy not to understand something you wrote yourself. I’ve got to keep my French up until French 30 next year. I read Cinderella in French last night. Learning l’imparfait has helped my comprehension so much. Most French books I own are written in it.

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