The Bane Of My Existence (Part 4 of 6)

Today was the worst day of all. Swimming skills? I mean, honestly. I can’t swim! Tomorrow is deep water running, which seems to have mixed opinions connected to it. Some people love it, some people think it’s the bowels of hell. So, we shall see.

Apart from info pro, where I still had a sub and filled a double period of the class by working on power point and chatting to Ulaen and Tobias on the Moo, I had a pretty bad day. I’m barely passing social which is so, so strange for me. I was at a really high eighty last year; however, my class average is below forty percent. So maybe I should be happy. But still. And I did badly on a worksheet in science. I hope it’s not worth too many marks. My science teacher was back today but she said that she was still kind of sick.

Bible study’s hard for me. It seems like it’s above my level, but not. I can think things and I can write things but I can’t say them. Or at least, come up with the profound things that everyone else says and then tell them. That’s why I need that book thingy so I have time to think it through and then I can just read it. I’ll feel more prepared then. Also, I have next to no experience praying out loud. One crippled prayer on my behalf later, I’m not sure the person on my right doesn’t feel totally ripped off. Ah well… The first few might be hard but it’ll get better.

“We will find our right to be. Until then, lilacs bloom every spring.” —bluejean Magazine

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