New Year’s Eve

Last night I went to the Buzan’s traditional New Year’s party, which was so very much like last year. Dillon, who I don’t think blinked all night, was so loaded on sugar/caffeine that he went berserk on people and left welts when he scratched you. Keegan was there too, and I hadn’t seen him since Green Bay two years ago. I hardly recognized that kid but I don’t think his personality’s changed much. He’s worth a laugh if you don’t offend easily and if you go for cynical humor. Kind of annoying when he and Connor were throwing chairs around, though. Justin was probably my favorite kid there last night, made a few jokes but didn’t throw chairs and/or balls and/or pillows and can handle sugar no problem.

I’ve noticed this before, but as cute as he is, Dillon can be a bit… I don’t know if there’s an exact word but… hypocritical? Egotistical? Contradictive? Like, he’ll be wailing uncontrollably one minute, for little or no reason, and then when Mike cries, apparently with reason, Dill acts all smug as though he’s never cried, ever, and pulls the old, ‘everyone stare at Mike’ thing. Then he’ll be whining again a few minutes later because someone beat him at a video game. I don’t hesitate to say that most kids are like that and just grow out of it at different times. And some don’t altogether; in fact! Most people are hypocrites in some regard if you look close enough. (In some, you need not look very hard.)

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