Christmas and Boxing Day

Well I’d have to say that this Christmas was a very good one. On the way to Lethbridge I read the Wizard’s First Rule prequel Debt of Bones. It was good, but so short! It is tiny and the print is huge. It seriously looks like a fourth-grade book, hehe!

We went to Lethbridge on Christmas so mostly we just went to Derek & Yolayne’s house after stopping at grandma and grandpa’s house for awhile. We played DDR in their basement and Pictionary and some other Christmas games. It was really fun, and then we watched Napoleon Dynamite. The next morning Derek and Daniel and Dustin got up really early to go to Future Shop but most of us just slept in till noon.

Julie got the idea to make our own soap so we did try, but the endeavor was much harder than it seemed. Like, the soap hardened so quickly that we could not even pour the whole thing into the mould, it just solidified while it was in mid-air. We had home-made Chinese food for lunch and then I went with Mike and Trevor to play DDR at the mall. It was awesome because my brother beat Drop Out on heavy! That was pretty much the last exciting thing that happened, though. We slept at grandma’s that night and then went home in the morning.

Today I went shopping with Jen and Kim. The mall was packed, although not as bad as I’d imagine boxing day would have been. Tonight we wanted to see Ocean’s Twelve but the early show was sold out and I can’t go to late shows because of my parents (can’t wait until I move out!!) so we rented The Day After Tomorrow instead. Dismal acting and ridiculous storyline, how wonderful.

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