My Running Leg!

Well I’m back home now from house-sitting with Cailee. It was fun being away from home! But still, moving out will be worlds different than living in someone else’s house for a few days. Because when you move out, where ever you move to is your new home, so all your stuff’s there already. That’s one thing about house-sitting; most of your things are at home still because there’s no point in bringing it all.

On Tuesday, Mark and Alex and Kim came over and we watched Constantine. Ah, that movie lived up to my hopes of it being cheesy and fun. Dumb Keanu and his dumb acting — always worth a laugh! Then tonight I went to Moxies with Cailee to mark the end of the “independence era”. It was fun!

Yesterday Matt and I went on a “recycling date as friends”. Hehe, it was so great! Except when a huge wooden crate fell on his ‘running leg’ and made a gash. But apart from that, it was sweet because while we were throwing all the cardboard up into the dumpsters, that Aerosmith song came on the radio in all its sappy goodness. And he was hyper through the whole thing because Tony Amante had just signed for the Flames. He actually ran home from his bus stop since he was so excited. So funny!

And his new thing is drinking water really fast. He can do 500mL in six seconds now (from a cup, not a bottle). Pretty impressive in my opinion.

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