Another Set of Summer Sheets

I am back from a great week in Windermere! Man, if only I could have spent the entire summer there. But, alas, work and reality.

It was a sweet week filled with boccie ball, Nintendo, tennis, specialty soda, excessive junk food, a cute baby, childhood buddies, music, card games, singing, mini-golf, bumper cars, kittens and bunnies, the biggest moth I’ve ever seen, boat rides, beach lounging, nature photographing, pizza, nostalgia and just overall flippin’ good times.

I’d venture to say that it was better than Green Bay, and that’s saying a lot. It’s just that, at Green Bay, technology is more or less frowned upon. Here, we’d brought the GameCube and GBAs and iPods because to us, that is a holiday. (WarioWare, the most random and fun game ever!) And, I’d never forget, the computer in the recreation centre…

At one point, Sammy wanted to get onto the public computer to check her e-mail, except there were two girls on it already. In bikinis. Well, to each her own, but when Sammy asked how much longer they’d be, they glared and said, “uh, like probably like one or two hours…” They’d already been on there for more than one, and we’d seen them crossing people off of the sign-up list. So, that was pretty much when the fun began. In an attempt to persuade them off the computer, Sammy, Mike, Dillon, Connor, Matt and I, all with Gameboys (Justin had left his behind and Mike had brought two; the rest had their own), stood in a circle and, with all the volumes turned all the way up, played assorted games. While doing this, we made quiet remarks about needing a computer:

“My foot hurts,” “Mike, you lost your foot in ‘Nam,” “Oh yeah, ‘Nam. Haha, oh man, White Ninja is so funny. If only I had a computer, I could read some right now…” And so on. When that failed to have any effect, Dillon stood behind them and talked like a crazy person to his stuffed animal frog. “Hey mista frawg! Lookin’ like them floozies on the computa needs to put moa clothes on, eh mista frawg?” After quite a while they finally left, and we were able to get their e-mail addresses from msn and hotmail. Very tempted to sign up for an unholy amount of spam using them..!

So, yes. A great time all in all, and I don’t know what else to say!

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