Written in the Stars

So I’ve finally finished with this new layout. I’d say that I kind of like it, but I’m not fully satisfied. I don’t know. My heart wasn’t in this one. I just didn’t have any better ideas. But such is the case with any art form, isn’t it? You have to go through some dry periods with little inspiration. In any case, I’m happy for the change, I guess. But I did get to the point in this remodel where I just didn’t really care anymore. I mean, not that many people look at this site anyways, and even less will notice the truly pathetic shortcuts I took everywhere.

Also, I’m infinitely glad that I did this remodel before starting the layouts for the two corporate sites I’m doing. I was going to use a similar skeleton table layout, but after doing this one, I’ve learned that it is nothing less than freaking annoying. So this time, fate has twisted in my favour. That gives me a certain measure of cheer!

If there’s such thing as a television quota, I’m sure I’ve passed mine for this week and it’s only Tuesday. I watched 24 twice, two episodes of House, Gilmore Girls, Malcolm and I’m on episode thirty-two of Full Metal Alchemist. More than half-way done that series! I still like it.

I’m really looking forward to Cailee’s dance show on Thursday. Aside from the fact that it’s going to be sweet, I haven’t gone out for this type of thing in a long time. Mark’s birthday was the last time I went out for the purpose of having a good time.

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