
So today was actually pretty fun—a lot more fun than I thought it would be. We had a two hour work period in math… that wasn’t fun, but it wasn’t too bad. Then an hour of customer service class followed by the paper midterm… also not fun things, but the day began to lighten up after that!

Since we were done the exam pretty quickly, we had a full two hours to burn and we had absolutely nothing to do. So we (Alessandra, Ranjit, Iana, Tommy and I) just sat in the Heart building atrium. Then we got some gelato ice cream… it was good. And then these three people came to our table totally wasted and started talking to us. One of the guys kind of left after awhile but the others stayed with us. It was pretty funny just listening to them. The one guy (Chris) was Chinese but from Mauritius (likely the first and last person I will ever meet who comes from there) and the girl was from Yugoslavia and her name was Aleksandra. Thing is, she reminded me of Rex as soon as she came over, so that’s pretty funny that she has the same name. Well, she reminds me of Rex apart from that I don’t think today’s Aleksandra was a conniving bitch bent on ruining people’s lives.

I don’t know why, but girls with that central European accent make me nervous. Or not so much nervous, but uneasy. Like you don’t know what they’ll do next; maybe they’ll yell out something embarrassing or maybe they’ll put you on the spot… maybe they’ll be mean. Probably they’ll be mean.

Actually, what am I talking about? The reason girls with that accent make me nervous is because Rex was a conniving bitch bent on ruining people’s lives! Well I’m glad that was cleared up. I’m also glad that several timezones presently separate us.

On the train ride home I ran into Jen but she didn’t notice me at first even though she looked right at me! I had to poke her in order to get her attention; it was funny. She had just taken an exam so she was dazed, I guess! Anyways, she gave me an idea for a new hairstyle. I’ll try it out when I get some time. Right now, my ‘getting ready for school’ regime takes exactly thirty-five minutes from alarm to car. That is why I always look like shit. But I am too sleep-deprived to wake up any earlier.

Tonight I went over to Angie’s house with Cailee and we rented Carolina (with Julia Stiles). I have to say that it was pretty good. I hadn’t seen those guys in forever though, so I would have watched anything tonight and still been happy.

Oh, and I must also say: When we went to Arbys for lunch on Wednesday, Ranjit got this monster-sized curly fry! Like, it was seriously the length of the table width. Huge! So we took some pictures of it with her camera phone and named it ‘Scarface’ because it seemed like a good idea at the time. It was extremely funny but I’m sure you had to be there.

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