The Mess of Roads We’re On Now

It would be pretty fair to say that I’ve accomplished almost nothing on my Easter break so far. Nothing of real substance. Even though I have nearly no homework, ever, I still don’t do what little I have right away. Which is pretty stupid if you think about it. But I’m still stuck in that mist of apathy. This must be why college kids drink so much — they just don’t care whether or not they make an ass of themselves at a bar!

I’m rather impressed that even though I’ve eaten a ridiculous amount of Easter chocolate recently, my skin has not broken out too terribly. (It probably will now that I’ve said this…)

I’m in the process right now of drawing a picture of Avery and her family. I don’t really know why I’m doing it, but I need something to do. Somehow drawing has lost its appeal somewhat because I do so much doodle-ing at school—on Fridays, almost four solid hours of it!

When I get back to school, I’ll be sending for my transcripts so that I can send them to Mount Royal, in hopes of starting another endless year of uncertainty, stress but hopefully not boredom.

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