Sidewalks of Untold Treachery

This warm-ish weather makes me very happy, but aspects of its effects do not! Namely, the amount of inch-thick ice that comes in patches on the sidewalk no matter where you are. Five times! That’s how many times I’ve come too close to falling down! And in the mornings, walking from the train station to class is actually life-threatening! Because it is dark and there are people hurrying all around you to get to class, if you slipped, you could be trampled to death and no one would even notice! The horror!

Darn school and its sidewalks of untold treachery. But one awesome thing about going to school at such an ungodly hour is the view. SAIT looks right onto downtown, almost eerily so, and in the early morning you can see the city lights against the sunrise. It is extremely beautiful, and I must take my camera to school one of these days so I can show a picture of it to Alexis because I told her about it.

I have a burning desire to play Harvest Moon right now.

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