Personality and the Zodiac

So, it turns out that midterm week at SAIT is arguably more slack than normal even. So far they’ve been so easy, but I’m not complaining! It’s given me time to work away at my “exhaustive to-do list”, although I don’t seem to be accomplishing things very quickly. Right now I’m working on sorting and burning MP3 CDs of all my music to put into my super new stereo. Since it can play MP3s and hold five disks at a time, I can pretty much have every song I listen to in there at once and never have to switch CDs. Pretty cool!

On the train today this guy started talking to Ranjit and me, just out of nowhere. He seemed pretty cool but it got me thinking about personality types. Like, I would never just start up a conversation with a couple of strangers. Ever. So, are extroverts born or do they develop as a result of their perceptions? I think Cailee and I were talking about this a while ago, and there was an extensive conversation about interaction at break today which Iana led based on zodiac signs. I don’t know, I find it all pretty fun and interesting even though I don’t really believe in horoscopes. (I mean, if you think about it, how exactly would burning masses in space have any sway over what happens here or how people are, based on what month they were born?) But anyways, is all human interaction based on previous perceptions or do people actually have personalities they can’t change that drive them to act a certain way?

Also, how do you know if you really know yourself, or if you only think you do? I took a bunch of personality tests tonight because I was bored. Twice I got results other than INFJ, but the profiles didn’t fit me, or rather, my perception of me. I mean, everything is perception, after all. So I probably think I know myself and actually don’t… I’m not trying to make a point here, I’m just rambling.

Iana: Awwe, Colleen, you got soup for lunch? What kind?
Colleen: Uh, the special—cream of shut the hell up!

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