Only Supernatural

Well, I have not gotten all of my midterm marks back yet, but from the ones I have, I’ll just say that they were very easy. Yup. Today I wrote the press midterm and we didn’t even have class afterwards. Since my mom was not expecting me home for several hours, I went to Subway with Ranjit and Iana. We talked about lots of interesting stuff, like dream interpretations and ghosts and all. It’s cool, because Iana and I don’t have similar beliefs all the time (sometimes yes and sometimes no) but we can still talk about everything without being defensive. That makes me really happy: that we have have opposing views at times but it doesn’t really matter. She’s really cool, though, and fun to talk to.

Still, despite the fact that there are a lot of people who are Catholic in my class, it seems that not very many of them really are like me in some aspects. Like, pretty much the biggest thing right now is drinking. I seriously just have no desire to go get wasted, or really, drink at all for that matter. I don’t know why, I just don’t want to; it’s not my scene. But everyone else in my program has absolutely no problem with it. I don’t know. But it definitely makes me thankful for my friends from high school and church who feel the same way.

I am not lonely, I swear to God, I’m just alone.

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