Never Leaving Home

I got my hair cut yesterday and… well… it’s about an inch and a half way too short. Ahhh! Damnit! The whole point of this haircut was to make me look older, not ten! Still, in around three months it’ll look sweet! Until then, I must suffer with the monstrosity since it’s too short to put up into a successful ponytail.

In June, I’ll get it trimmed again to take off all the split ends, put streaks in, and then I’ll finally have cool hair! Hell yeah!

In ‘technical communications’ we have to write down a set of simple and significant instructions in memo form. I think I’m going to do “how to colour a cartoon on your computer” and for the example pictures I’m going to draw GIR. Yay!

Since SAIT (for some reason) gets the same teachers’ convention and family day holiday just like high school, I can’t wait for Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday to be over. It is so tempting to skip them all because I’d only be missing five classes in all.  Maybe less, since I’m sure my class will attempt to get out of the two classes on Wednesday. Press class is pretty easy to postpone since Jim is so nice, but I kind of doubt typesetting will be cancelled because of that week of classes we lost when our teacher was sick. But that would result in having two hours of school on Wednesday, so most people would just skip anyway, right?

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