Illiterate Joy

Today was awesome because Kim and I went shopping and got lots of the Christmas and birthday presents that we needed to get! Just a few more things to buy, and then holidays will truly begin, hehe!

The math and typesetting finals were not too bad, so that made me happy. There was a fire alarm during the break between exams so we had to evacuate the building we were in. Probably some kid just didn’t want to write his final, huh?

I’ve started playing Warcraft III again. Heh, it is great fun, and most of the fun is listening to my team-mates argue with each other on whether or not they could take each other out… one of them even threatened to send a virus to the other… so childish. I love it. One guy was complaining that he hates noobs, and I said that I was a noob, but he said, and I quote, “ya btu ur beter tehn him.” That fills me with… illiterate joy? Ahh,, how I have missed you.

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