How’re You Gonna Ever Find Your Place?

I suppose it’s not a huge incentive to write journal entries daily when nothing particularly interesting seems to be happening. That’s where I’m at right now. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, it just doesn’t make for amusing, post-worthy anecdotes. And I dislike coming out and saying, “life is out-and-out boring right now”, because I think it kind of invites bad things. Like, when you were a kid and you whined to your mother about being bored, did anything good ever come of that? As Natalie said, “that’s how I learned to do dishes…”

I don’t even know the point of saying this again, but I am still worried about next year and what the hell to do. The problem with wanting to design websites and graphics for a living is that while it is a practical art you can put to use, it is still art. It is still selling yourself as much as it is selling your work. Like, why am I any more qualified that the other people applying for the same jobs as me? Does this market for web designers even exist? I mean, if you think about it, any person or business that doesn’t already have a website either doesn’t need one, or hasn’t needed one until now. The latter being the case, what are the chances of them finding me on a basis consistent enough for me to make a living off of?

I guess there’s a chance that I have no true calling in life and I will spend all my days at an average-paying job that I hate for however many years until my life takes another turn. Bloody hell I miss high school.

On the upside, this week has been pretty good. Ranjit and Alessandra and I were done Tyler’s assignment in our last class on Wednesday, so we went for lunch at Moxies. It was kind of embarrassing that I couldn’t order a Bellini because I didn’t have a government-issued ID, but it all kind of worked out in the end anyways.

I’ve been seeing people on the train more than usual lately for some reason. Like, I ran into Nick and Briana on the same day, and Andy Tenham twice. It’s strange how you don’t see people ever and then one week you’ll see everyone.

The Ring two was one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen; I highly recommend it, but only if you can see it with an entire row of unamused, caustic and loud fifteen-year-olds sitting right behind you. I thought their audacious comments were funny, I’m not going to lie. Since I’m a freak and “quote nerd” according to Jen, I looked on the Internet Movie Database to confirm my suspicions: the girl who plays Samara in the first Ring isn’t even in the second one. That whole character is just archive footage, computer animation, and cheap-stunt-double goodness. Now, you know you have a good movie when… heh. Actually, after some forums and… I wouldn’t call it research, no, I refuse. After some general interest, I found out that Sadako, (Samara) from the original Japanese Ringu, is pretty popular over there. There was a reference to her in Hack Liminality which I just watched, but I had no idea it was her they were referring to. Also, there is a highly amusing cult of people who document their “experiences” after watching the tape. Heh. Oh, man…

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