Great Weekend

This last weekend was really great, I had so much fun. I already mentioned about going bowling on Friday, then on Saturday I went to the movie Hero with Kim and Jen. I really liked it since it was all cool and artistic! Dietrich Desmarais was in from Winnipeg to do the sermon that evening. That guy is so brave for doing what he does. (Death threats? I’d just live in fear.) I went to McDonald’s after the service with the Buzans. For some reason they were out of ice so Larry went nuts on the employees when his pop was too warm. The poor manager was in way over her head, you could tell. She looked like she was about nineteen, maybe younger, and verging on a mental breakdown. Poor thing!

On Sunday, and Cailee would be proud, I went to see A Cinderella Story with the forum group as a goodbye thing for Katie and Karen. We went to Denny’s afterward, but not before singing along to Jen’s aptly named ‘Fish’ CD in her car. I have some great videos of that evening!

Then yesterday I didn’t do a lot but Dave Volk came over for awhile and then we had supper at Moxies. Afterwards Kim and Alex and I went for coffee with Nick. I’m glad to report that this time there were no extensive dead silences! Kim and I worked out that Thursday is pretty much the only day we can meet up during lunch, but I’m still glad because one day is better than no days.

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