End of the World Party

I’ve come to believe that all the movies I watch have started to take their toll on me. Strange thoughts, you know? Like, it so happened that on this whole reading week (until tonight) I had essentially not seen anyone except my family and people from church. All other plans were canceled or postponed (or vanished into thin air, as it was with that babysitting job). My very first thought was: Am I dead? Did I die and not realize it?

Seriously, who thinks that?

Also, I think that listening to music right before bed gives me crazy dreams for some reason. Take last night, for example. I dreamed that there was a party at Julie’s house, but I didn’t know the occasion. Thing is, everyone was there. My family, church friends Cailee, Angie, (particularly Candice, who was encouraging my dad to try the seafood), Kim, Jen, Mark, Alex, everyone. We watched a movie with Nicole Kidman in it. It was beautiful and the ending made me cry. Then everyone went outside; it was dark. I was climbing a grassy hill to get to the spot where people were sitting. Connor was walking ahead of me. Finally we reached the top and people were laughing and having drinks under a sweep of stars. Then my mom said to me, “it’s starting soon,” and everyone looked to the sky. “What, the fireworks?” I asked. “No,” she said. “The end of the world.”

What! The! Hell! I can never properly articulate my dreams, but suffice it to say that this one kind of shook me. Just the notion that everyone knew it was coming except me.

Anyways! Tonight I went to see Hitch with Kim and Jen. (There was talk of seeing it with my college friends, but no one called so I don’t think it happened after all.) It was surprisingly good! Then afterwards we went back to Jen’s and watched Interview With The Vampire and helped her make her orange box pretty with decorative paper. It was a really fun night!

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