Don’t Corrupt Her!

Okay! Today was cool for a Monday! Well, most of it. Like, this morning while solving basic algebra equations in math, I was thinking about how exactly five months ago, right down to the minute (it was 9:34 and I had period 1/2 math last semester) I was doing something hard in pure math. Trig, maybe? Or memorizing the unit circle? In any case, it’s just pretty funny. All my life I was worried about post-secondary math, and now look.

In fact, five months ago to the day marks the first time I skipped an entire math period. Yup. Went for lunch with Selby and Diana in the second period of the double.

At the break, after an extensive conversation about the happening clubs in town, the conversation shifted to something like, “we should take Colette out drinking sometime!” To which it was replied, “no way! Don’t corrupt her!” In those words exactly! Is that not so ironic and hilarious? But Katie and Jen have just spent the last two years expending so much effort in that affair! Heh! (Although, the result of Jen’s corruption is that I know Elijah Wood’s middle name, and the result of Katie’s is that I occasionally have violent outbursts.) Aw. I miss Katie.

In pre-press we took awesome photos of Roslyn, Ranjit and I rolling down a hill, posing like Charlie’s Angels, and acting like Vogue models. It was so fun and we even got to leave kind of early.

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