Consider Yourself Tipped Off

Well, it was a pretty good weekend, I’d say. I didn’t go to yoga but Jen came over afterwards and we watched Jurassic Park. I don’t really know why we watched that, but it was fun, and I got to see her sweet little iPod shuffle! It is so teeny!! I really must get a new portable music player of some sort because my present discman is no longer very obedient. Its newest trick is that it spontaneously stops playing and then starts playing again once I dig it out of the dark recesses of my backback to see what’s wrong with it. Although iPods are great, I think what I want is what Kim and Cailee have, the Dell player thingy. For space all I want is 4-6 gigs, none of this crazy 40 gig crap. I could never fill that anyways and it just adds to the cost.

I went to Brewsters after church with Dillon and Connor and Justin and Alexis. Crap, it is so (so, so) funny to hear Dillon talk about how he is the leader of his gang at school. Like, I had to bite my tongue the entire time. I love those kids! No one can talk about anime longer than they can. And speaking of, I’ve been watching Full Metal Alchemist: love it. Meh, some parts are very juvenile and some parts are sad and disturbing so I’m having a very hard time deciding what age group it’s primarily aimed at. I think I finally settled on fifteen to seventeen. But in any case, I find that it’s quite well-done. I don’t truly sympathize with many characters in animated shows, but I really feel for Alphonse (the younger brother). It’s the subtle things that really develop his character.

Today I got to school about twenty minutes early, and our press teacher Jim was waiting outside our pre-press lab. He said we was supposed to let us into the lab this morning since our teacher would be late, except she gave him the wrong key and he’d locked his keys into his own classroom by mistake. So basically the press class and the pre-press class were all waiting out in the hall. Then Colleen came and she has a pass to that room since she does so much extra printing, so she unlocked the door but then the motion sensor alarm went off. That was alright, since then campus security would come by and unlock both doors and disarm the alarm. No one was coming so Jim called security and told them what was happening. So we waited and waited, finally after a full half hour this scrawny security guard who looked like he was fourteen years old came down, talked on his cell phone for several minutes and eventually turned off the alarm. He had an attitude about it, too. “Pa-chuh, we were busy.” So we made fun of him. We made fun of him good.

Half an hour. Half an hour, and they send one puny little… well, all I have to say is that if anyone were looking to lift several Macs, scanners and printers, consider yourselves tipped off.

And I must note that I am extremely excited for tonight’s episode of 24 because it will have both Tony and Michelle!!

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