Cold Cheese Night

To my knowledge, nothing much interesting happened last week… or at least, not enough to write about. Ummm…

Well, one thing moderately interesting! My Asian buddy in my class talks about his girlfriend a lot, and, I don’t know, I had a pretty clear picture of how I envisioned her in my mind. Like, a super-cute version of Go Go Yubari (from Kill Bill) with glasses… small, quiet and pretty smart. Anways, last Friday I saw him walking with her—not only is she white and as tall as me, but she also is not a ditzy supermodel. I found that cool and… well… it just made me happy.

Hey cowboy, are ya cold? Do you like cheese? I still am not fully clear on what Jen meant by that, but what transpired was that we all bought a huge pile of junk food, went and saw Alexander (so long!) and then went back to Aman’s house and ate the junk food while watching Phone Booth. Awesome night!

The weekend was cold and short! I remembered a math assignment, due for the next day, around midnight and ended up getting to sleep around two in the morning. Well, today I woke up and pretty much felt like I wanted to puke and die! Yup! Also, the math test at nine in the morning made me feel much better… But at least today I finished my typesetting project. This evening I have a bunch of homework due for tomorrow again. But once this batch is done, I am more or less home free until finals. That is good. But I will probably not be able to go to dance which makes me feel bad. Next week, though!

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